Candid Messaging to Team and Community

Hello everyone, this marzipanstar, you all know me as marzipanstar obviously.

First – Andrew – thank you for raising those points.
Second – cue the trolls (as usual)

Third –

Its nice to see that community is finally waking up to the agenda I’ve raised many months ago and it’s a great shame that community started to wake up only after AMPL moved from 100 rank to 380 smth rank.

Its hard to say what is really going on behind the scenes, but let me try to add a bit more meat on top of this.

From what I understand AMPL was never original idea by Ampl team, it was Vitalik who came up with it -

Similarly Vitalik suggested many other cool things, like AMMs or quadratic voting, which were later implemented by various teams. Well maybe he didn’t come up with those ideas per se, but he surely coined them in the context of blockchain assets and gave those ideas right push.

Certainly Kudos to Brandon and his team for doing amazing technical work, because implementation of that stuff is really difficult and does not fit “normal pattern”.

But all of that is beside the key point, which is – WAKE UP finally. If you still believe that this this team is going to deliver something tangible you must be completely and utterly delirious. Effectively nothings been delivered for the past TWO YEARS, like NOTHING, why do you think all of a sudden they will make breakthroughs?

OK, Brandon is a workhorse, can’t take them from him, he works very hard and diligently on what he is supposed to be doing. But that’s not all what a successful project is.

The rest of those people, Simon who is “passionate about growth” – are you kidding me? He is like clueless lacrosse boy out of school, but my favorite one is Jessica – not a single time I ever saw her doing anything at all, not a single conference, article, not a single line in discord absolutely nothing, WHO IS THIS PERSON ON THE TEAM NAMED JESSICA – please someone tell me, I would very much like to know. Richy is somewhat similar, a lot of babbling about nothing.

My favorite hero is of course Evan. Guys the point is – this project is dead, if you still believe otherwise and really think they will all of a sudden start doing something that’s’ uff, you have a lot of faith in macaroni monster.

Just think about it for a second, so they spent what 7-8 months on integrating AMPL into AAVE (good job Brandon again). I did some research, from initial request to actual listing 6-8 months to get listed on AAVE is actually normal, not unheard of at least, some other assets had a similar path. But that’s not the problem, that’s a statement – it’s a difficult venture, and Brandon managed to fix it. But on this journey NOT A SINGLE SOUL on the team, out of those who are supposed to be responsible for this thought about economics of AAVE lending. Not a single person gave it half an hour pencil draw doodle consideration – how it might play over. There is absolutely no surprise, that AAVE placement is a total failure.

I can’t claim that I’ve watched all of videos available where team speaks, but I think I was thorough enough to see most of them and here is what’s interesting. A lot of those events are covered by Brandon only, some of the most important online conferences are covered by Brandon. With all due respect Brandon – your pitch sucks, and its not your fault in my opinion, because its not even your role to do this kind of talking. So I’m watching those conferences and AMPL pitch compared to adjacent pitches is lame beyond compare. Other participants just cannot shut up, its impossible to make them stop, they just talk and talk about their projects. Most of them (eh +/-) make good sense, they know their projects very well, they talk fluently and logically about various angles, how it fits into the ecosystem etc. On the other hand, when Brandon talks, his just keeps repeating literary same pitch over and over, and that’s been going on for at least past two years. I’m not joking or exaggerating here – its 5 minute talk which Brandon rehearsed, and he literary repeats same thing every single time word for word. All of that is available online just check for yourself and you will see.

And its not his fault that it is so crap, because he is receiving no support whatsoever from people who are supposed provide that support. Same very people who are supposed to be responsible for growth, and development of AAVE / AMPL economics which is non-existent.

There were a couple of instances where Evan talks. And those are pretty tricky speeches – he talks very fast, its very difficult to make out his point, all in all it feels like incompetent mash of economics crypto and all sorts of things. The impression it gives is something like this – imagine there is this very poor student, he is poor because he is lazy, he just can’t be bothered to study, he likes to enjoy himself and likes running around looking cool, but the problem is that every now and then surrounding world actually puts a requirement on him to deliver something tangible, like a speech on a conference. So being lazy and all, he just can’t be bothered to prepare really for anything, he just turns up on the spot and starts mashing together all those bits and pieces hoping that it would be enough to meet the demand put on him by the outer world. This is Evan.

But its NOT enough and markets are actively and very intensely penalising this kind of behavior. Price just keeps sliding and sliding. A lot of you are concerned that we are being in bull market loosing money, and you are right, being in a bull market and loose money feels really stupid, isn’t it. The answer to your concerns is very simple. You as community, should get together and get rid of that bunch of useless people including Evan, Jessica, Simon and Richy. Just get rid of them. They could not deliver anything for the past two years. There is nothing to suggest that they are capable of delivering quality product in the future. You have to keep in mind that in a very DIRECT sense every single holder of AMPL is paying to Evan. Because if all of you would sell suddenly, price would crash, and Evan’s holdings plummet, he would be without cash. At least that would’ve been the case sometime ago. I don’t know exactly what’s going on now, all them might’ve already cashed out enough to live happily ever after – if that’s the case, then situation for every single AMPL holder is ever worse, because team have no incentive whatsoever to develop AMPL further, instead they have incentive to milk it beyond extinction.

Andrew good job on raising the points. Your only mistake, is that you are not getting anything that you mentioned in your posts. There are some things which needs to be done in connection with AMPL to make it successful. I would say that 90% of them are not rocket science at all, they are not even school math, but they are very hard work. And those people just can’t be bothered to work, that’s it. So you can make those posts, and Evan’s going to reply to you with something, but the bottom line is that nothing’s going to happen, because these people are can’t be bothered to work. There are some total and absolute NOBRAINERS which must’ve been done long time ago, and which require no qualification whatsoever, just common sense, attention and work. I’ve suggested tons of various improvements over the past year, and absolutely nothing is done.

I can give you one example here – it is pretty much standard to have site and all the materials to be translated to at least major languages. Crypto is international, Chinese is a huge audience, Spanish speaking people is a huge audience. Some projects I’ve seen which are actively looking to grow are translated into 16 languages, because every single user counts. I’ve suggested that many times over and what do you think the result was? They got site translated? - No, I got banned from Discord.

My theory is that they are not interested in building this work further at all, they are interested in milking it as much as possible. If you look at broad narrative, it would make total sense. Everyone on discord who is not happy with current way of things, criticising or suggesting improvements just gets banned. Makes total sense, if you want to continue milking the project for as long as possible, then just ban all the people who voicing concerns.

All these secretiveness has a very simply explanation – they have nothing tangible to show for development. That’s it. I follow very closely progress of some select few project in the blockchain space. It’s a very hard work, because you have to chase information around very diligently and very carefully. And I can tell you this much – it’s a very peculiar situation where core devs refuse to show roadmap or even talk on discord. Pretty much every single team is very easy to reach. Just ping them on telegram or discord and they reply. Makes total sense as well, if you have nothing to show, no work’s being done and you have nothing to talk about, just don’t talk, that’s it. That’s why you have those useless 30 minute “office hours”. I call them “community mocking hours”. They are very short, especially given that everything is typed, they don’t cover much, and allow to ignore difficult questions.

So let me wrap it up, I think is getting too long. Andrew good job, but I think you are wasting your time. The rest of you I don’t know what to tell you, if you still believe all that nonsense, well carry on “paying for the team”, if you feel that it’s unfair that you support them with your capital and they give you “community mocking hours” in return, then either push to get rid of useless people or just sell.

Take it or leave, this my subjective view of things and you be the judge.