Proposal for further recourse for users affected by Aave AMPL liquidity shortfall

This proposal is an opportunity for the Ampleforth community to take further action, in addition to what was done through the AAVE DAO, to mitigate the impact on users affected by the liquidity shortfall on AAVE. It is not an attempt to resolve all the issues that were unsatisfactory in the distribution process done through the AAVE DAO.

Context: Postmortem

As mentioned in this post: AMPL problem on Aave v2 Ethereum

The difference between the calculation based on rebasing since the pool was frozen and the ultimate distributions calculated by ChaosLabs is 3,310 WAMPL.

I propose to the Ampleforth community that the Forth DAO distributes 3310 WAMPL plus an additional 20% of the same amount, totalling around 4,000 WAMPL, to be divided among aAMPL holders based on the fraction of the total aAMPL supply held, excluding the AAVE reserve.


@Naguib Thank you very much :slight_smile:
I think people who were damaged with aAmpl event, they will appreciate your initiative. On my part, trust and respect have fully returned to your team. You may offer a small compensation, but it’s not just the amount of money, it’s how dev team are treating investors and the responsibility, attention and care that you show. Thank you very much for this! :heart:


Snapshot vote published.

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Hey Naguib, so what happens now after voting finished? Many days passed already, would be nice to receive updates from you

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Hello @Naguib, I noticed the AMPL governance vote is also completed. What are the next steps now? Please confirm. Thanks again!

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@Naguib Please provide the next steps. Radio silence is disappointing :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Hi @Odis @QuantumEvolver,
Having only vote on the snapshot vote made it tricky to run an onchain vote with reasonable chance of success. I will repeat the snapshot vote at the same time were other snapshot votes are running for the protocol, that also means aligning the time the on-chain vote would start with the others and that hopefully gets enough participation for the process to move forward.


Thanks @Naguib, please close this quicker so we can all move forward from this. Appreciate your support on this matter as ALWAYS!

@Odis @QuantumEvolver
Snapshot vote take two.

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Awesome thank you for your help again!

As someone who was not affected by the aAMPL issue, I support this proposal.

I went through some of the discussion and got the gist of the situation. We should take care of the AMPL investors in the fairest way we can while not dismissing the fact that this is DeFi and systemic risks are a part of the game. The AMPL community and investors are pioneers and there’s no way that doesn’t come without personal risk, as someone who lost a chunk of AMPL in the elasticswap exploit I have an idea where affected users are coming from. This situation is even more difficult for investors because of how long its been going on, the complexity of the calculations, and the number of parties involved.

My hope is that with this proposal we can put this behind us as a community, restore some faith from the aAMPL investors affected by this whole issue while understanding that a perfect solution doesn’t exist for situations like this.

@Odis + @QuantumEvolver please tell me you are going to vote for this…

There are decent number of against votes, but no discussion here. Can those opposing make their opinions known?