Reddit Advertising Proposal for r/CryptoCurrency


With a thriving community of 7.2 million members, r/CryptoCurrency represents a significant opportunity to raise awareness and engagement for AmpleForth. Inspired by successful campaigns like the ARK AMA I propose a dedicated promotional month for AMPL on r/CryptoCurrency.

  • Top Banner Sponsorship: rent the banner on the subreddit to maximize visibility for the duration of the promotional month.



3,300 r/Cryptocurrency Moons per day
99,000 Moons per month, 1 Moons = 0.25$
The total proposed budget for this promotional week is approx. ~24,000$ USD / 18,000 AMPL

Execution Strategy

  • Banner Design: Collaborate with the marketing team to design an engaging and informative banner.

  • Buy MOON and burn them as per instructions from r/CryptoCurrency mods and book dates for the banner.