Neutral rebases until August 23rd

As a side effect of the recently executed proposal to increase the security delay of the PCE/CPI Oracle from one day to 4 weeks, the current validity conditions of the PCE oracle it doesn’t consider any of its current values valid. This means the protocol will produce neutral rebases until August 23rd.

In the meantime, there is no loss or gain of funds for users, as their share of the network remains constant, just as if AMPL were in the neutral zone. This is not an exceptional event as the system is designed to keep the rebases neutral if any of the data input needed is missing.

The oracle holds the last two values, currently one is considered too new and the other too old as it’s older than 45 days. On August 23rd the newer one will have been on-chain for 28 days and hence will be valid for 17 more days.

A proposal to adjust the validity term of previous values will be submitted soon to make it longer than the current 45 days to ensure the issue doesn’t reoccur.


Following up on the above. I am proposing to set the validity value to 3 months this would allow the older of the stored two reports to valid until the newer one has had 28 days to mature and also allows for one months more of validity in the case there are any data source issues with PCE

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