Proposal: AmpleSense Grant to Expand Elastic Vault Functionality

What even is this? Who uses this and for what?

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Definitely all concerns addressed. Iā€™m glad we clarified that value is only being transferred to EEFI by the base vault and not extracted.

We donā€™t seem to be making progress talking about the shortcomings of the vault so let me try and evaluate whether we think it makes sense to give Amplesense a grant.

Since Amplesense has a web3 building track record of

  1. Created a governance token (kmpl) borrowing the AMPL brand with no actual voting rights (the ā€œDAOā€ decision makers donā€™t have to hold it to maintain control which seems odd) and attracting capital with the completely copied term ā€œkGeysersā€ making airdrops that now need to be ā€œtransferred valueā€ from this vault. See the details of governance here:
  2. Create another token and a vault to ā€œtransfer valueā€ to it and the NFTs they airdropped to those kMPL holders

Now this team wants to be granted Forth to try and fix their vault by bolting on auto selling functionality because many ForthDAO members expressed serious concern with the base protocol, especially the risks, sustainability, and utility of EEFI.

This is a community that generally respects building a durable financial system and I think underscores why we care about AMPL and Forth. Frankly I think Amplesenseā€™s activities have undermined this goal by

  1. Creating a very centralized org that claims to be a DAO
  2. Utilizing the AMPL brand which has caused general confusion about how this ā€œDAOā€ is related to itself
  3. Creating a token literally called ā€œkiloAMPLā€ which is some crazy brand borrowing. The only other tokens that popped up and borrowed the AMPL name were scams (RMPL, XAMPL, etc)
  4. Creating a vault that auto sells AMPL without buying it back and trying to take funding from the ForthDAO itself to deposit into this auto selling machine with no good reason why this vault is sustainable

If they are truly trying to force this vote, letā€™s keep this track record in mind.

Bambridge one thing I appreciate about your perspective on our pursuit of pioneering the Elastic Vault (and seeking funding for additional utilities that would satisfy the AMPL and FORTH community) is that it is a clear exercise in ā€˜framingā€™.

How one can choose to frame (give a perception of) peopleā€™s pursuit of a vision or product and how it is painted when they are at a fledgling state (MVP). In which 99% of all successful products and projects (including Bitcoin and AMPL) experience at some point in time. Why you are expecting us to be any different, especially in crypto at our earliest stage, is confusing. We are raising resources like any other to fulfill a long term visionā€¦ But fair enough we should be successful in everything we do from day one. That is fairā€¦

As Degen_Autist implicitly pointed out in our original threadā€¦ At this earliest stage? You are really investing in people and I think you are undervaluing the type of tangible and intangible ROI that can come from a project like AmpleForth showing it supports its earliest communityā€™s efforts at bringing utility to the protocol. Also Aave was EthLend for a long while before it changed (look on the side at ā€œWho created Aaveā€).

But either way, one thing I can reassure you is no one is ā€œforcingā€ a vote. The other thing I would encourage you to do is look around at the rest of the community who does support us. Weā€™re not bad people. We also want to invest in the brightest amongst us. We have not asked for anything crazy. Just a little support for a few early folks who believed in AmpleForth just like you. It will go a long way! Thanks for the conversation.

Iā€™m sure this benefits both AmpleSense and Ampleforth. But Iā€™m unsure whether AmpleSense benefits more than Ampleforth here.

Can you explain to what extent this benefits Ampleforth? Does AmpleSense intend to incentivize the same amount of AMPL buybacks as there are EEFI buybacks?

What if there are less AMPL buybacks than EEFI buybacks? Is AmpleSense thinking about this scenario? Wouldnā€™t this be the opposite of beneficial to Ampleforth?

Iā€™d appreciate a response to this and to my concerns from a previous post:

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Thanks for your questions.

Regarding how the vault benefits ampl, we have gone through the rationale for the vault in the proposal, and @manbearpig and @Degen_Autist have also made relevant points that I think are good discussions on this topic.

Second, re: your question about equal buy versus sell pressure for ampl versus eefi, that is difficult to predict.

Historically, ampl has spent more time in negative/neutral rebase, so there is a possibility that the volume of ampl buys versus sales will tilt in the direction of ampl, but thatā€™s only an assumption.

The sub-vault is also incentivized with eefi from the amplesense treasury so it is possible that this eefi may be deposited into the sub-vault as well.

Overall, the sales from the vault will be automated, just as ampl sales are automated from the main vault.

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Thank you for adding value to the Ampleforth ecosystem with your riveting insights.

This is what I donā€™t understandā€¦ so on positive rebase the vault has presold the AMPL into EEFI, and then during negative rebases and neutral rebases mint EEFI. So not only is there sell pressure on AMPL during negative rebases, there will also be sell pressure on EEFI. So now users have to worry about two tokens dumping during negative rebases. Instead of concentrating liquidity on AMPL there is this other opportunity to game the market with EEFI, so itā€™s harder to maintain a depositorā€™s value over the long run. This is on top of

  1. Slippage from trading in and out of a token that is not super liquid since there are just created for this ā€œvaultā€
  2. Paying off previous investors in kMPL with the staked NFTs
  3. Losses from fees by trading between tokens unnecessarily

And I want to go back to the first question I had which is Where is the yield coming from which no one has answered, since minting tokens that have no purpose besides being burnt later is not really yield, there is no growth economic activity that is growing the value stored in the vault, only forces that take it away (slippage, AMM fees, NFT fees). I believe this is why so many people are worried about itā€™s sustainability. There is no mechanism for value accrual besides new investors depositing into the vault so there is an increase in burnt EEFI. Itā€™s just going to be another trading game around when to sell EEFI. The sub vaults in theory will help with this but there is a similar issue with other actors dumping EEFI before the automated vault sale.

