Proposal: AmpleSense Grant to Expand Elastic Vault Functionality

Thanks for updating the proposal.

However, as none of my comments were answered in the last discussion, I’ll add them here again.

I do not see how the EEFI token is sustainable.

How could EEFI’s value not be diluted if Ample is most of the time in equilibrium?

Ampleforth’s docs state that derivates are “a specific type of financial asset whose value depends solely on an underlying financial asset.”, see here.

Considering this definition, the EEFI token is not a derivative of Ample. While there is an underlier for a certain amount of time (at least 90 days due to locking), the EEFI token will exist well after the Ample could be withdrawn again.

Introducing EEFI minting through FORTH deposits dilutes the Ample-EEFI correlation even more.

FORTH’s utility is governing the ForthDAO that is dedicated to the growth and adoption of AMPL.
Personally, I do not think there needs to be more utility.

This seems to have cyclical reasonings. “Help us make EEFI great, to have a great EEFI”.

To be honest, I really think that the criticism mentioned by @kbambridge, even if written in a rough tone, is valid.
How is the vault not a value transfer from AMPL → ETH/EEFI with an optional buyback of AMPL?

And to be clear, the ForthDAO is solely dedicated to the growth and adoption of AMPL, see here.