Proposal: AmpleSense AMPL Grant

This conversation is now degrading because we are not focusing on the elastic vault protocol. My comments have never been targeted at the AmpleSense DAO directly, and have always been targeted at the elastic vault protocol as it stands. The fact that you and your friend here are questioning my motives and hinting at mental health show that you do not have good arguments to refute my comments on the elastic vault and EEFI token and I shall rest my case barring additional info.

I am clearly not the only one that has this view point as there are a number of various likes on my comments, and even a few responses that share similar concerns. I recommend in the future you target the topic at hand instead of targeting individuals, as that makes your DAO feel more like a cult or tribe rather than an inclusive ecosystem partner. I will reiterate, the comments I made were all targeted at the elastic vault and its mechanics as I understand them, not at individuals or the DAO itself, as the elastic vault is the target for this proposal.

I have been involved in the community since the pilot geyser in 2020, so yes I have skin the game, been through negative rebase periods, and a passion for the Ampleforth protocol. Long negative rebase periods was something I was interested and wrote about my findings on this topic in Symmetric Rebase Upgrade Proposal. I apologize if my passion bled into my writing and I offended anyone. I can confidently say that my motivations are all targeted towards improving the Ampleforth protocol and the ForthDAO, you can see my other comments in other forums topics to this effect.